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Friday, July 29, 2016

2. Spring MVC - Hello World example

1. Create a Maven Project

- File > New > Maven Project
- Select maven-archetype-webapp
- Enter an groupId and artifactId

ex) groupId : com.yunjee.springmvc / artifactId : SpringWeb

- Guide to naming

2. Modify pom.xml

 Change pom.xml file to be the following :

3. Create web.xml

- Create webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file to be the following :

4. Create ooo-servlet.xml

- Create webapp/WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml file to be the following :

5. Create a JSP Page

- File > New > JSP file : webapp/WEB-INF/views/welcome.jsp
welcome.jsp file to be the following :

6. Create a Java Class

- File > New > Package > com.yunjee.spring
- File > New > Class >
- file to be the following :

7. Set a Server

- Window > show view > Server
- Create server > Select available project

8. Execute

- Run > Run (Ctrl + F11)

** Error

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

- Check below Properties if tomcat is set

  • Java Build Path > add Library.. 
  • Targeted Runtimes
  • Project Facets > Runtimes

- Or, add servlet-api in Java Build Path > Libraries

** Refer

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