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Friday, November 29, 2013


1. 수업 형태/방식
  수업은 one to one 수업 Reading / Writing 수업 1개(90분), Listenning / Speaking 수업 1개(90분), one to four 수업 1개(90분), 스페셜 클래스 2개(90분)이 있고, 아침 저녁 스파르타 수업이 있다.
일단 공부를 시작하기에 앞서 자기에게 제일 필요한 부분이 어디인지 파악하는 게 중요한 것 같다. 나 같은 경우에는 내년에 캐나다를 가야하기 때문에 스피킹에 집중을 하려고 일단 부족한 문법은 아침 스파르타의 Pattern & Grammer 수업을 듣고, 저녁 땐 IELTS Speaking 수업을, 스페셜 클래스도 Survival English/Speak Up을 들어 최대한 내가 말할 수 있는 시간을 많이 확보하려고 노력했다. 본인의 목적에 따라 아침,저녁 스파르타, 스페셜 클래스를 찾아 들으면 될 것 같다.
  주로 Writing / Reading수업에는 Diary 쓴 것을 같이 체크하고, 교재로 Reading 수업을 하는데, 나는 pronuncation과 intonation을 좀 더 원어민처럼 하고 싶어서 선생님한테 조언과 도움을 요청해서 지문을 읽을 때 선생님이 좀 더 신경써주셨다. 개인적으로 난 다이어리를 쓰는 것이 좋은 방법이라고 생각한다. 본인이 하고 싶은 말을 글로 쓸 줄 알면 말도 할 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 그리고,  Listenning / Speaking 수업 때에는 선생님이 틀린 문장을 적어서 설명해준다. 나는 3일은 Speaking(Conversation/IELTS) 수업, 2일은 교재로 Listenning / Speaking 을 했다.

2. 공부 방법

   3주가 지나고 급 슬럼프가 찾아왔다. 한국에서 직장 다니면서 영어 회화를 1년 넘게해서 간단한 한 두마디 정도는 가능했는데, 여기 와서 말할 때마다 자꾸 문법을 생각하게 되었다. 그러면서 느낀 점이 내 영어 실력이 제자리라는 생각이 머릿속에서 떠나질 않았다. 그래서 추가 수업이나 캠퍼스 이동을 고려도 해봤는데, 혼자 끙끙 앓으면 안될 것 같아서 선생님들한테 조언을 구했다. 아래는 선생님들이 추천해준 방법들을 공유하고자 한다.

첫째, 자신감을 가질 것!
둘째, 말을 많이 할 것!
셋째, 미국 드라마를 볼 것!
넷째, 문법을 생각하지 말 것!

어렵겠지만 노력하면 안되는 것 없을 것이다.
알이즈웰!! All is well..!!

   다음은 내가 공부했던 방법이다.

첫째, 노트정리 후 입으로 말하기
둘째, 딕테이션 ( 워킹홀리데이 간단한 대화 적기 )
셋째, 틀린문장 적어놨다가 다시 말하기
넷째, 예습/복습하기 (자주 하진 못했지만 예습/복습 하려고 노력했고, 수업시간에 더 많은 양을 공부할 수 있어서 적극 추천한다.)

tips. 본인이 좀 취약하거나 조언을 구할 것이 있다면 매니저 혹은 선생님한테 도움을 요청하는 방법을 적극 추천한다. 선생님이든 매니저든 언제나 학생 편에서 생각해주셔서 난 스파르타에 있는 동안 도움을 많이 받았었다.

3. Imperial Resort / Obstacle Courses
  세부에서 어학연수 하면서 여행을 빼놓을 수는 없을 것이다. 오자마자 배치들하고 임페리얼 리조트를 갔다왔다. 막탄에 위치한 임페리얼 리조트는 손에 꼽을 정도록 괜찮다고 소문이 자자했다. 세 종류의 물놀이 기구를 이용할 수 있고 수영장이 커서 수영하며 휴양하기에 적합한 것 같다. 가족단위로 많이 오는 분위기였지만 난 배치들하고 수영을 즐기고 왔다. 무엇보다도 뷔페가 정말 최고였다!!

  세부에는 장애물 코스로 유명한 곳이 몇 군데(레인포레스트, 마운틴 뷰, 파파키츠) 있는데, 나는 그중에서 아얄라 몰에서 가까워 이동성이 제일 편한 레인 포레스트에 갔다왔다. 보호장비를 보고 빵 터졌었지만 장애물 코스를 보고 금새 몸이 굳었었다. Zip line, Earthquake course, Cat walk등 6가지의 장애물 코스가 있었다. 짜릿하고 즐거운 경험이었다.


4. 스파르타 캠퍼스를 떠나며..
  캠퍼스 이동을 결정하고 나서 선생님들하고 정이 많이 들어서 번복해야하나 살짝 고민도 했었지만, 무엇보다도 내 자신한테 모험을 주고 싶었기 때문에 계획을 변경하지는 않았다. 여러모로 분위기도 많이 다르고, 무엇보다 IELTS 공부가 어렵다고 해서 걱정을 많이 하긴 했지만, 일단 부딪혀 볼 계획이다.
  스파르타 캠퍼스를 떠나기 전 마지막주에는  1:1 선생님들이 나한테 제일 필요한 Job interview에 도움 되도록 수업을 진행했다. 내 Resume와 Cover Letter와 Job interview에 대해 꼼꼼하게 살펴주고, 본인 분야도 아니라 잘 모를텐데도 정말 성심성의껏 지도해주는 모습에 감동받았다. 7주동안의 길다면 길고 짧다면 짧은 이 기간동안 타이트한 스케줄 속에서도 정말 즐기면서 영어 공부를 할 수 있었다. 이 순간을 잊지 못할 것 같다.

Thanks my lovely teachers ( Ailyn & Gee & Hannie & Eric ♥ ) !!


스파르타 캠퍼스를 정리하며...

<1:1 선생님과 저녁식사>

<선생님들의 마지막 편지>

<하우스 티처들과 마지막 티타임>

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm transferring to Classic campus on Sunday.

  After deciding on moving, I'm afraid of separating from my teachers and my friends. So these days I looked back on my last days in SME. Whenever I was in trouble, they were worried about me and gave me some advice. Above all, all my teachers were worried about my English skills, my life in SME and so on. Therefore, I was able to endure my hard time and depend on them.

As soon as I arrived in SME, I got a slump in my third week. At that time, I thought that not only I wasn't sure about my English skills, but also wonder about how much my English skill would improve in SME. Nevertheless, I’m satisfied with my life in SME because I think I’m lucky to come here and meet my teachers. Although I’m sorry that I have to leave earlier than I have planned, I'm happy to meet my teachers and I really appreciate their help. I will never forget this moment.
Thank you, Gee :)

Red Diary Day27. (Last)


THEME : The Theory of Evolution VS The Theory of Creation
TITLE : The Origin of the World


How does the first animate thing come out in this world? Theory of 2 types is classified hugely; creation and evolution theory. On the one hand, creationism insists on the origin of interposition which includes human, life, the Earth, the universal for God. Interposition is interpreteds in 2 ways; one of the interpositions establishes order, and the other is that nothing makes of something. In the narrow meaning of creationism, Genesis of Christianity and the Gguran of Judaism describe the origin of the world, and mention that only God createds the world.

On the other hand, Anaximandros who is was an ancient philosopher brings brought forward to become from a common ancestor to become other animates by changing around Before Christ B.C 6. Generally, we know that animates evolve from simplicity into complexity while livings adjust to life circumstances, and whether adjustable animates keep on living or not in a struggle for existence. In addition, the Darwinian Theory is convinced of explains evolution.

Creationism brings forth a counterargument about evolution. For example, current living things which are similar to each other aren’t evidence. In The middle step of evolution is shorts of fossils which is related to the current fossils. An archaeopteryx fossil which is an extinct primitive toothed bird is a fabrication. Otherwise, evolution also has against opposite opinion about creation. For instance, creation is only a myth. And creation is one of the religious movements. The Bible doesn’t make sense especially about Manetho parts.  

Evolution is still in controversy with creation. For instance, Korea Gallup surveyed the whole city in all over Korea about the origin of mankind from 13th of July to 16th of July in 2012. The result said that a response of “Human was evolved from many forms of life.” was 45%, and a response of “Human was created by God.” was 32%, and “Can’t tell.” was 23%. This survey conveyed a part that an archaeopteryx in a curriculum is would be included or not.

In my perspective, I have never thought of evolution and creation. When I was young, I probably learned about evolution and creation, but I didn’t remember anything. I just think evolution puts value on a biological factor, and creation puts value on a religious factor. Both are just assumptions for me. That is all.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Red Diary Day26.


THEME : Euthanasia
TITLE : Good Death


Euthanasia that is calleds good death in Greek means making a painless act of death of to someone who has incurable illness or insignificant life-sustaining. It is informed death with dignity. Euthanasia is categorized in 2 types which are methods and voluntary yes or no; it includes active,   passive, voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia.

Therefore, active euthanasia entails lethal substances or forces, and passive euthanasia entails withholding of common treatments. Voluntary euthanasia indicates free consent which is allowed by a patient. For instance, before a patient falls into a comatose state, the patient tells his or her family to remove treatment life support equipment; that is a kind of voluntary euthanasia. Non-voluntary euthanasia indicates a case that a patient can’t choose living life or death. For example, one of the many non-voluntary cases is a patient who falls into a comatose state, but the patient doesn’t tell anything before he falls into a comatose state.

Currently, most countries don’t allow euthanasia. Otherwise, the Netherlands allows euthanasia as by the law aggressively. For example, Korea doesn’t have the law about euthanasia. Australia was the first country in the world that had enacted the law about euthanasia in 1996 in the first place. But the law was abrogated within 6 months. Although Japan allows passive euthanasia in Asia uniquely, they don’t have the law about euthanasia. Germany has the law about euthanasia.

These days, graying (aging) increases rapidly. Thus, a necessity of euthanasia is discusseds actively. In the affirmative side, the more as time goes by, the more a family of the patient can be a burden to his family. Moreover people have an obligation of death. And the euthanasia is different to homicide.

In the negative side, if euthanasia is alloweds, it will happen cause a lot of crimes and abuses. And people will despise about life and death easily.

For me, I agree about with euthanasia. Because when I imagine, if I geot a terminal case or faell into a comatose state, I will would choose euthanasia. In that case, I think I would had better give up my life than keep my life.

Before writing this diary, I read the news which includes euthanasia. The content was “80’s couple who are is French did a joint suicide while they criticize for a the prohibition law of euthanasia.” They said, “The law doesn’t protect our obligation of the way which people are able to take medicine for death calmly.” In addition, 56~92% of the French supports euthanasia of a terminal case in a recent survey of public opinion. So do I.



Monday, November 25, 2013

Red Diary Day25.


THEME : My life 10 years from now
TITLE : My Amazing Future Plans


When becoming New Year’s Day comes, people make New Year’s Resolutions. It is partially long term plans; it means that New Year’s Resolution is a short term plan. Some people have their own plans whether the plan is long term or not respectively. And they try to keep their plans.

When I was young, I used to have my short term plans. But I had not kept most plans. After then, when I started work, the head of a department taught social life in company. At that time, one of his recommendations was to plan every 5 years in my life. So I planned my life until when I am at the age of 41. My plans have included as follows.

Firstly; these plans are until at the age of 31 I turn 31. I will travel to Europe over 6 months to 1 year after 3 years. When I started work, I was 26 years old. So I’d like to go abroad 3 years later. And I will consider that I work abroad. If I will do, I thought I will need qualifications about taking photos, studying English, exercising for healthy. In addition, I’d like to be married at the age of 30. I hope to meet a thoughtful and passionate man. By then, my salary will be 10 million won higher than before. As soon as I am getting married, I will bear a child.

Secondly; these plans are at the age of 36 I turn 36. When I will be am 33 years old, I’d like to come back my to work. After that, I will get PMP license. Also my salary will be 10 million won higher than before. Furthermore, I’d like to improve my baking skills. And then, I will open my own bake café whose that is famous for baking cookies especially chocolate when I will be am 34~35 years old.

Thirdly; these plan are until at the age of 41 I turn 41. I’d like to work at home; maybe a work-at-home system will be universal. And I’d like to concentrate on taking care of my café and child. My café will prosper day by day through word of mouth. Above all, the most important things are family’s peace and good health.

Now, I’m trying to keep my plans. As you know, I got a working holiday visa in Canada. Even if, I’m not sure what I will be happened in the future, I will do my best. Because whenever I achieve my goals, I feel satisfaction and happiness.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Red Diary Day24.


THEME : Incest
TITLE : A Kind of Social Problems ; Incest


According to the dictionary, incest means sexual intercourse between persons too closely related to marry as between a parent and a child by dictionary. The types of incest are between a parent and a child, between a sibling and a sibling, between a cousin and a cousin, between a relative and a relative. By and large, the relation of between a parent and a child is regarded ass of child abuse. And incest of between a sibling and a sibling are is common on the ground of research of Floyd Martinson. About 10~15% of university students has sexual experience in childhood. Mostly, incest indicates prohibited sex from family in western society. But the range of family depends on countries.

Sometimes people can hear about incest from the media. Whenever we hear the media, what do they think about that? Incest is watched our society and full of suggestions for our society. For example, a content of the Old Boy which whose genre is thriller, crime and drama movies treats of incest. This movie is originally a japanese cartoon. And a part of the story shows that a father commits incest with to his daughter. Besides, <Return>, <The Dreamers>, <Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire>, <Earl Cain>, <That's My Boy> and so on are of the same kind.

The An event based on a true story led to controversy in the world in 2008. A father, who comes from Australia, violated his fifth daughter. His hidden mystery was very shocking. Because he imprisoned his daughter for 24 years in a basement bunker which is located in his house and has a soundproof wall, and password lock. Since his daughter is was 11 years old, she had been imprisoned at the age of 18 years old. Moreover, his daughter bore 7 children.

For me, when I heard that event, I was shocked. I utterly didn’t believe that. Since I have heard from the news about incest, it seems to be the most shocking event. I don’t think about that anymore. What factors do makede him crazy? In my humble opinion, background of having grown up is an important factor because personalities depend on environment. Return to Going back that story, if a man grew up at great atmosphere, he might not be crazy. Actually, the event (incident) is absolutely terrible.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Red Diary Day23.


THEME : Body Language
TITLE : Which One Is Better to Communicate?’


Is using body languages important when people talk? Or, is using only words important when people talk? Both are totally important to communicate.

Now, I’d like to talk about body languages. Body language consists of many things which are body postures, gestures, facial expressions, eye movements and so on. And the body language includes conscious and unconscious actions.

On the one hand, unintentional body languages are making an eye rub, a chin rest, a lip touch, a nose itch, a head scratch, and an ear scratch, crossing arms cross and a finger lock and so on.

On the other hand, intentional body languages are nodding people’s head to show understanding, pointing to indicate something, touching to express their feelings, crossing arms to protect from barriers and so on.

When we use body languages, the body languages are involved in many meanings. Whenever we want to emphasize a point or relay a message or posture, we can make boredom or great interests known to others and convey encouragement or caution by using body languages. For example, widening eyes mean appeal, invitation and interests. And Frequent blinking of eyes means a sign of excitement or pressure. Oppositely, infrequent blinking of eyes means boredom. In addition, intertwining legs when sitting especially women means insecurity or sexual posing. Like this, whenever people communicate to each other, they are liable to use gestures consciously or unconsciously.

As the proverb goes, “Actions speak louder than words”. It is more effective to act directly than to speak of actions. However, it can sometimes have misunderstanding about action. Before talking, if we use body languages directly, we can have misunderstanding to each other.  

As an outcome, in my perspective, using appropriate body languages are very important to communicate. Not only to express people’s feelings and ideas, but also the more body languages people use, the closer to each other people are. Because when people use proper body languages, they excellently transmit their opinion to others. Furthermore, they express politely their attitudes by using body languages. Whoever uses body languages, others can be impressed on their mind. Therefore, when we talk to each other, we can intimately share our mind and feelings by using gestures, facial expressions and eye movements.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Red Diary Day22.


THEME : Juvenile Delinquency
TITLE : Where Does Come from Juvenile Delinquency Come from?


What is the juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency indicates illegal or antisocial or abnormal behavior. In a the law, juvenile delinquency defines a person who typically is under the age of 19. Juvenile delinquency can be separated into 3 categories; delinquency, criminal behavior, status offenses. Those kinds of juvenile delinquency deal with by the juvenile courts, justice system and criminal justice system.

How can we see them? Action of juvenile delinquency includes below(=as follows).
- first, running away from home without permission of parents.
- second, habitual truancy beyond the control of parents.
- third, stealing.
- fourth, wandering around rail, roads, streets, market places.
- fifth, using vulgar language.
- sixth, visiting gambling centers.
- seventh, committing sexual offenders.

Why What causes juvenile delinquency causes? According to Healy and Bronner, the reasons are bad company, mental conflicts, love of adventure, school dissatisfaction, poor recreation, street life, vocational dissatisfaction.

What are the major factors causing juvenile delinquency? Many researchers study the major factors of juvenile delinquency. There are social, personality and environmental factors. Social and environmental factors are broken home, poverty, delinquency area, school dissatisfaction, pornography literature and so on. And personal factors are mental deficiency, emotional problems.

How can we prevent the juvenile delinquency?
- first, we establish child guidance clinics for juvenile delinquent.
- second, we prepare and give proper training to the members and staff of all organizations concerned with delinquency control.
- third, we improve the social environment.
- fourth, we educate to the families to realize the importance of giving proper attention to the needs of their young children.

In general, many countries have juvenile delinquency problems. Korea is not different. Complicating our society, juvenile delinquency’s rate is increases rapidly increased. In my point of view, juvenile delinquency problems aren’t individual problems. And juvenile delinquency can happen anywhere and anytime. So the government gives support to juvenile delinquent by making institution or educating them, and people should better help juvenile delinquents to the right way. We should have many concerns for juvenile delinquents. They probably want to receive concerns from people.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Red Diary Day21.


THEME : Cosmetic Surgery
TITLE : Side Effects of Plastic Surgery


Generally, plastic surgery can be divided into 2 classes which one of the plastic surgeryies is for beauty and the other is for remedy. However mostly, people recognize plastic surgery only for beauty. As for remedy, if someone gets hurts and damages because of an accident or illness, someone they needs plastic surgery to repair a the hurt or an the injury. On the other hand, if someone wants to become pretty or beautiful, someone they needs plastic surgery to change someone’s their appearance.

Plastic surgery is very suggestive. It has positive sides and negative sides. On the one hand, in the positive side, plastic surgery provides people not only beauty but also confidence. Thus, people can stately go into society. And they can have satisfaction and happiness themselves.

On the other hand, in the negative side, people don’t know exactly about plastic surgery even medical mishaps and side effects. Simply, they want to change their appearances. For example, many female Koreans want to have double eyelid. Thus, they who don’t have double eyelid want to have plastic surgery. As a consequence, in recognition of Koreans, many Koreans naturally regard having plastic surgery is ordinary. They don’t have any fear and think about side effects; after having plastic surgery, some people can’t open their eyes or scars can remain on their eyes

Furthermore, in the media, they usually focus on appearances. As, many celebrities make up their face and are dressed up. And the media overstates their advertisements. Therefore, ordinary people who are not only women, but also men want the more they are in contact with the media, the more beautiful they want to be. Eventually, they pursue celebrities’s appearances. The more important people’s appearances are is, the better looking people more require especially better looking people in interview. For instance, some applicants fail in the job interview because of their appearance. So they surely think before interviewing, plastic surgery is an essential factor.

As a whole, plastic surgery involves many things. Although some plastic surgeries are popular, it is still dangerous. So we have to be careful. Whatever people see me singularly, I won’t have plastic surgery because I’m afraid of plastic surgery and I’m satisfied with my appearance. In my point of view (=perspective), for protecting avoiding many side effects, we institute rules and laws about plastic surgery. Additionally, people should be awake to from side effects of plastic surgery.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Red Diary Day20.


THEME : Animals
TITLE : The Reason to Like the Zoo


As the proverb, “people who like animals are kind” goes. Although I don’t like animals, I believe the proverb. Actually, I think most people who like animals are very generous and tolerant anytime. Whenever I see a person who likes animals, the person is really kind and thoughtful.

These days, wherever I go everywhere, I can see animals as a pet especially on the street. Many people love and raise cats or dogs. Furthermore, not only they take care of animals, but also they regard them as their family. In my point of view, the more a number of singles increase, the more animals are raised. It affects good things of our relationship. For instance, when people raise(=bring up) their children, if they raise pets, it affects influences their children’s emotions.

As I said, I don’t like animals especially pets because I have an allergy of furs. For example, when I went to a cat café which is located in Daejeon, I couldn’t stand sneezing because of cat’s fur. Thus, I kept away from animals, and I couldn’t raise any pets. In recent times, I have become to like animals because of my friends. Some of my friends like animals. As a result, whenever we meet, we usually go to the zoo. As, many zoos have a lot of interesting things such as ridings activities rides, flower land and more. Therefore, I try to enjoy the zoo and other things with my friends. Finally, the more the zoos I go to, the more joyful I can be, and I had am having a liking for animals.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Red Diary Day19.


THEME : President
TITLE : The First Female President in Korea


Park Geun Hye is a politician and social worker, and now she is the current 18th of president. Whenever she has come out in the media, most of the press focuses on her. Because she is a daughter of Park Chung Hee who was the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th of president and she is also athe first woman head of state in modern history of Northeast Asia. Since her mother died, she had carried out as the first lady until 1979. And after since her father died, she has been chairman of the board of Yukyoung foundation and Jungsoo scholarship committee. In 1998, she entered the political world, and she was elected 15th of member of the National Assembly and she had conducted the work of member of the National Assembly. Though she ran for 17th of president in 2007, she lost by narrow margin to Lee Myung Bak. Afterward, she was selected as the presidential candidate, and she got rate of obtaining 51% of votes. Thus, eventually she became a the 18th of president because she rolled with the punch to Moon Jae In.

I am a political outsider. Therefore I don’t know about politics and politicians. However, I have a certain opinion. In my point of view, not only the higher female’s positions increase, the more occupations for females increase, but also roles of men hasve been replacing by roles of women. Thus, women have been becoming more confident these days.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Red Diary Day18.


THEME : Health
TITLE : To Harmonize about Health


In the past, people had had less stress because we have self-sufficiency. At that time, we usually had spent time with our friends or family and in nature. In addition, our society wasn’t busy. So we had had much free time and open minded anytime.

In contrast, nowadays, getting to base on the developing economy and industry, our society is getting busyier, and we have had a lot of stress. We usually spend time with co-workers or friends and in work or school. So we easily can be affected by our circumstance easily. The stronger more we have stressare stressed out, the worse health is. Mostly, we have only taken care of their our physical health. We never probably don’t take care of our mental health. If we are stressed out, we are affected not only our physical health, but also our mental health.

Why don’t people don’t take care of their mental health? In my point of view, health indicates not only physical, but also mental. I think both always have to harmonize in us. Let’s think about that. If one of the two isn’t able to operate, we will spend much harder time because we will not enjoy our life. Furthermore, we can’t have any open minded and breadth of mind.

I think we should regularly look into our mind by reading books or meditating and keeping our body healthily through exercise. will have much hard time.and dot only physical health, but also mental health by stress.As an outcome, we have to take care of our mental health and physical health.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Red Diary Day17.


THEME : How to make Kimchi Jjigae
TITLE : Do You Want To Be Healthier?


Firstly, I will introduce Kimchi Jjigae. By Kimchi is a typical fermented food and one of the foods which Koreans love is the best food. Kimchi has a lot of lactic acid bacteria and lactobacilli. It is very helpful to our health. For examples, Kimchi not only prevents cancer especially colorectal cancer, but also makes a viscus actively. Furthermore, powdered red peppers which is are included in Kimchi prevent fatty change because red pepper contains capsaicin ingredient. Mostly, Koreans like Kimchi Jjigae especially in winter. Whenever blowing chilly wind blows or we are being stressed out, we usually enjoy Kimchi Jjigae. Seeing that, we, Koreans solve the stress and protect our body more warmly against cold by eating spicy food.
Secondly, I will introduce how to cook Canned Tuna Kimchi Jjigae. It is a very easy and simple recipe.

1. Prepare sliced Kimchi, water or fish broth, a small canned tuna, a little kimchi liquid, a little chopped garlic, sliced spring onion and onion, tofu and a little sesame oil.

2. Put a pot on the stove. Add a little sesame oil and sliced Kimchi to the pot. Stir until sap with a brine.

3. Pouring water or fish broth to the pot and boil for 20-30 minutes. In the middle of boiling add a small canned tuna, a little chopped garlic, sliced tofu, sliced onion and spring onion to the pot. At this time, if the Kimchi Jjigae is not sufficiently salted, you can add soy sauce.
If you follow the recipe, you will feel fantastic Kimchi Jjigae. Just try it!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Red Diary Day16.


THEME : Optimism
TITLE : How to Become an Optimist


Many people often consider themselves to be unhappy and feel grief. As, they usually have dissatisfactions and pet peeves about their position, money, relationship and so on. Thus, it is probably related to happiness and satisfaction. Although most people want to become an optimist, not only that is difficulties, but also we try to solve problem awaiting solutions. Honestly, I am not an optimist. However, I’m always trying to practice changing my mind and finding on my good ways to control my mind. So I would like to share my ways and what I think tells how to be an optimist.

First. Write your pet peeves and dissatisfactions. I think you should better write what happened and why problems happened and solutions which I think doing my are best. If so you would find good ways or methods or manners.

Second. Don’t continuously remember about your faults, problems especially, worries. Sometimes you should better forget your problems in circumstances. Though it is a temporary solution, if you do that, you can readily start something and refresh your mind.

Third. Think positively and read or speak positive sentences. If you repeatedly think positive sides and read or speak positive sentences, you will become accustomed to positive realities. Thus, it is helpful to you. Despite Although situations or circumstances don’t change, you can feel comfortable and affirmative.

As a result, all kinds of ways about becoming an optimist are useful and valuable for you. Even if I can’t always maintain the ways, I try to keep the ways. And I believe the ways can be changed  people’s mind of people affirmatively.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Red Diary Day15.


THEME : Happiness
TITLE : To Find My Happiness


In my point of view, most people have much desire and want to have much more something about namely money, honor, wish like that(and the like). Furthermore, they desire to have new and high quality things, or relationship with someone such as their superior or rich person.

Although some people already have lots of money or honors or great relationships, they don’t feel satisfaction and happiness. And then, they try to follow suit pursue and get more good better things. I don’t want to blame for them. Because I think satisfaction and happiness depend on person by person(each person). Each person’s is different about their worth of something or someone is different.

In my case, I try to feel satisfaction and happiness. Though I sometimes feel depressed and discouraged and annoyed, I have tried to refresh my feeling and mind. Additionally, I have found satisfaction and happiness around my environment me. For example, when I feel gloomy if I have problems or not, I change my mind by traveling or talking with my friends or thinking about something which is not related to my problems. I try to think and imagine about good memories and my goal positively. And then, I think about gratitude like when I see beautiful sceneries or I receive praise or gift, and I feel satisfaction and happiness every moment.

Consequently, I will keep on my mind and try to find another good way for happiness. In addition, most people would find on one’s way to feel happiness and satisfaction.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Nuance of Verb in Expression ( Go / Marry )

1. go / get / be
  •     go - "가다"라는 action
  •     get - "도착하다"라는 action
  •     be  - visit 하여 계속 그 상태를 유지하는 action
I go to work 8 o'clock.
  - 8시에 일하러 간다.
I get to work 8 o'clock.
  - 8시에 사무실에 도착한다.
Have you been to France?
  - 프랑스에 가본 적 있니?

2. marry / get married / be married
  • marry - marry + someone
  • get married - 결혼한 상태, 그 시점
  • be married - 결혼 이후 기간

Will you marry me?
  - 나와 결혼해 줄래?

I got married last month.
  - 지난달에 결혼했다. (구체적인 time을 적어줌)

How long have you been married?
  - 결혼한지 얼마나 되었니?

refer to : Grammer in Use

Thursday, November 7, 2013


1.(of a place) lacking fresh air or ventilation."a stuffy, overcrowded office"synonyms:airless, close, muggy, sultry, heavy,musty, stale, frowzy;

2.(of a person) not receptive to new or unusual ideas; conventional and narrow-minded."he was steady and rather stuffy"synonyms:staid, sedate, sober, stiff, reserved, impersonal, formal, pompous, prim, priggish, fogeyish, strait-laced, conformist, conventional, conservative, old-fashioned, of the old school; More


The room is stuffy.
   -> The air in the room is dry.

I have a stuffy nose.
  -> I can't breath well through my nose.

I'm stuffy.
  -> If you use it to describe a person, it means the person is narrow minded.

답답함을 표현하고 싶다면, frustrated, discouraged, annoyed를 쓸 수 있다.

I'm frustrated.
I'm discouraged.
I'm annoyed.

refer to : Alex
* Thank you, Alex :)

Red Diary Day14.


THEME : Fashion
TITLE : Changing my fashion


When I was young, I used to wear loose clothes. Nowadays, whenever I look back on my fashion in the past, I felt ashamed. I really want to hide behind everywhere. Though I liked shopping of clothes, I didn’t have a sense of fashion. Besides, until I was a university student, I didn’t wasn’t used to wearing short skirts, shorts and skimpy clothes. I don’t know why I didn’t wear short skirts and shorts. I probably wouldn’t have confidence about my appearance.

It is my anecdote. After graduating, I learned about Oracle and Linux which are a kind of  database systems and operating systems in Hannam University Education Center. One day, one of my female friends said, “Why do you not wear skirts and shorts? Why are you covered with clothes on your body. I feel choky. I don’t understand you. If I were you, I would wear a short skirt and shorts.” Although I answered, “I don’t want to show on my legs and I hate exposure of my body. Also I don’t have confidence.”, I was highly shocked. Formerly, I used to be unconscious of my clothes what that I wear.

However, after hearing being shocked by her opinion, I tried to change my fashion style. Initially, I wore shorts and skirts 5cm above the knee. After then, my shorts and skirts was were shorter than the former. Eventually, I can wear short skirts and shorts and I become have been having more confidence, now.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Red Diary Day13.


THEME : Dream House
TITLE : On My Dream Place


Most Koreans want to live at an apartment according to statistics. Because the apartment is provideds great environments to us about convenient facilities such as swimming pool, gym and a various stores and hospitals nearby. I also prefer an apartment to a house. Therefore, my real house will be an apartment in the future. However, I just thought about my dream house. I’ll introduce my ideal house. When I view my ideal house, I have several important factors.

Firstly, the ideally exterior of my house is made of woods and not so big. In addition, it is painted white on the walls and red which is covered on athe roof. Additionally, I hope I would like to have a swimming pool which excludes the sun and includes a wooden bench with a big tree. Entering my house, you can see the swimming pool in the right side. And next to the swimming pool, there are is a big tree and wooden bench. Whenever I have enough time, I will enjoy a swim and relax sitting on the bench.

Secondly, the ideally interior of my house is generally white and beige and black in harmony. Besides, design of furniture has is simple. And I would like to hang some pictures on the wall in the living room. Furthermore, I wish I swould like hope to have a wide kitchen and a lot of cooking utensil. In the kitchen, I wish to cook and bake some food, cookies and cakes as like Julia who is an actress in Julie & Julia.

Above all, the best most important thing in my real and ideal house is my family. If I share everything with my family, I never find better things than family them. In conclusion, my ideal house is being with my family.