Post List

Monday, April 28, 2014

Eventually, I hung out with my coworkers.

I really looked forward to hanging out with my coworkers. But I've got a chance to hang out with them, because I can't afford to do it. Although I didn't have enough money and time, I should have made a chance to hang out with people. Therefore, I will try to make a plan to hang out with my coworkers. 에효ㅋㅋ

One day, one of my coworkers who is a Korean will leave on June, so we had a farewell party. She whose name is Julienne has got a job in Vancouver. She is so nice. Whenever I meet her, she is so powerful and looks nice. I might envy her, because she is totally a outgoing person. In addition, she looks having a lots of confidence. I heard from her that she finished the air force. It was so amazing. That's why she looks strong and manly.

Before meeting Spenser, Katrina, Amber, I drank with Julienne, Akam. When I had went to a pub, there was one of the managers who is from India with his wife. He looks different from Panera. He is absolutely diligent and kind at Panera, but he looks different outside. wow! awesome. 신기하다. 여기는 매니저랑 친구처럼 술도 먹고 ㅋㅋ 한국도 알바할 때 그런가;;ㅋ

After drinking quickly, Julienne, Akam and I had met Spenser, Katrina, Amber at Panera, and then, we headed to the Kabob which is located in China town. We ordered food and ate it. After that, we went to a pub and drank beer together. While drinking, they talked a lot, but I couldn't understand a whole conversation. I just pretended to understand it.

아.. 영어공부의 절실함...ㅠ_ㅠ 힘내자!!!

# 덧붙임
얘네들은 진짜 "fuck"이란 단어랑 "bitch"란 단어를 입에 달고 살더라ㅋㅋ;;
정말 학원에서 배우는 영어랑 실생활은 많이 다른 것 같다.
여기 사람들은 말할 때 부사, 형용사 엄청 많이 쓰고, 슬랭을 거침없이 사용한다. ㅋㅋ

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's up?

파네라에서 일하면서 코워커들이 참 많이도 물어본다. 마주칠 때마다 왓업? ㅋㅋ
How are you의 비격식 표현이라는 거 아는 데도 쉽사리 대답이 나오지 않았었고, 대답을 하더라도 머뭇거리다 Good이라고 얘기하기도 하고, Nothing이라고 얘기하기도 했었다.

소심쟁이인 나는 고민 끝에 물어봤다ㅋㅋ 타이완 코워커인 Amber와 캐네디언으로 추정되는 코워커인 Taylor에게.. 정답은 "Not much"였다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 의미인즉슨, Nothing.

이제 자신있게 "Not much"를 외쳐야겠다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Friday, April 18, 2014

I'm still having a hard time.

I had moved to Crescent Road on 12th of April. After then, I had bought many things. As I needed a variety of stuffs which are a toilet paper, a soap, a container for food and more. Thus, I didn't have time to write a post on my blog.
(Are you guys curious about my life these days? If not, you aren't my friends.!! never.. ever!!)

Anyway, I'm trying to write about my status recently. Hmm. I've been still taking a training at Second cup cafe and working at Panera bakery cafe as well. I'd abandoned 2 part-time jobs which are the nail polish company and the Japanese restaurant up. I don't know why.. I think I'm really foolish. I've been thinking about "choices" are too tough. Even though those haven't an correct answer, I think I shouldn't regret anything about my decision at least. However, I regret many things often. Is it processing to be a mature person?

I'm worried about my shift, it means my working hours. As you've know, I need money to live myself in Toronto, because not only I ought to pay for room rent, phone, metro pass and buy foods, but also I want to get a kick out of my life during traveling or hanging out with friends.

But I can't do anything now, my shifts are only 1 shift which means 4 to 5 hours a day and even my working time is like 11 a,m. to 5 p.m. So before and after working, I can't take another job, namely ; before working, it's too short to work another place and after working, I'm too exhausted, sweating at all times. Do you think does it make sense? I've been getting upset. 에효..-_-;;; So sucks....!!

I have to decide something to solve what are faced with. Therefore, I will try to get a Smart Serve Certification, after then I will get a job as a server. That's my short term goal.

Let me do it, please!!!

# 덧붙임 - 이사한 내 방❤️

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

나의 세컨잡이 되어줘!

세컨컵 인터뷰를 끝내놓고, 스타벅스 매니저와 연락하려고 몇 번이고 찾아갔지만 얘기 전달해준다고만 하고 다른 연락을 받지 못했다. 그래서 결국은 세컨컵 트레이닝을 받기로 결정!! 파네라에 스케쥴 조정을 해야해서 베티와 얘기를 나누고, 4월 1일부터 시작한 세컨컵 트레이닝! 일주일에 두 번, 세컨컵에서 일해요~ㅋㅋ 첫 날, 매니저가 커피에 대해 설명해주고 그라인드 하는 거 알려주면서 나의 트레이닝은 시작되었다.

슈퍼바이저 크리스틴,
한국인이고 나보다 어리지만 당차고 프로페셔널한 모습이 보기 좋았던, 자기가 이 매장에서 제일 빠르다고 내가 그 다음이 됐으면 좋겠다고, 한국인이기 때문에 더 열심히 해야한다며 용기를? 붇돋아 주었다.

첫 쉬프트가 클로징이어서 바쁘지 않아서, 참 좋은 느낌으로 다가왔다. 커피 비지니스계로의 첫 입문이랄까? 파네라도 베이커리 카페긴 하지만 직접 그라인드하지 않고 포장된 브류 커피를 사용하고, 스프나 샐러드, 파니니 등 음식에 좀 더 치중한 편이어서 세컨컵에서 커피를 배우는 것이 나에게는 좋은 경험이 될 것 같다.

바리스타로 일한다는 것.. 정말 궁금했었는데..
나중에 내 작은 소망에 한걸음 다가간 기분이랄까?
열심히 해서 여유롭게 커피를 만들며 고객들과 대화할 수 있는 날이 올 수 있길...!!


# 세컨컵 드레스 코드 - 올블랙
검정색 티와 앞치마를 유니폼으로 받음!