Post List

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cyworld 기술 면접 후기


  • Spring을 사용하는 이유는 무엇인가?
  • RDBMS랑 Nosql 차이
  • SQL이란 무엇인가?
  • MVC 패턴에 대해 설명해봐라.
  • JSON이 무엇인가? 써본 경험이 있는가?
  • join과 union의 차이는?
  • 회사나 친구 사이에서 관계에서 어떤 사람으로 비춰지나?
  • API  만들어본 경험이 있나?
  • 데이터 주고 받는데 사용하는 방식으로 어떤 것들을 사용해보았나?
  • 사수가 여자 개발자다 대립될 떄 어떻게 해결해 나갈 것인가?
  • 야근에 대해 어떻게 생각하나?

면접 분위기

면접은 약 30분 정도로 진행되었고, 
3:1면접으로 너무 딱딱하지도 엄숙하지도 않은 자연스러운 분위기에서 질문이 이루어짐.
면접자가 말하는 것에 대해 경청하는 듯 보였고, 
이 정도의 질문으로 경력자를 뽑을 수 있는지 의문이 드는 부문도 보였음.

Monday, August 1, 2016

파울로 코엘료, 흐르는 강물처럼

인간 존재의 흥미로움

  한 남자가 내 친구 제이미 코언에게 물었다.

"사람의 가장 우스운 점은 뭐라고 생각하십니까?"
  코언이 대답했다.

  어렸을 땐 어른이 되고 싶어 안달하다가도, 
  막상 어른이 되어서는 잃어버린 유년을 그리워해요. 

  돈을 버느라 건강 따위는 안중에도 없다가도, 
  훗날 건강을 되찾는 데 전 재산을 투자합니다. 

  미래에 골몰하느라 현재를 소홀히 하다가, 
  결국에는 현재도 미래도 놓쳐버리고요. 

  영원히 죽지 않을 듯 살다가 살아보지 못한 것처럼 죽어가죠."

Friday, July 29, 2016

2. Spring MVC - Hello World example

1. Create a Maven Project

- File > New > Maven Project
- Select maven-archetype-webapp
- Enter an groupId and artifactId

ex) groupId : com.yunjee.springmvc / artifactId : SpringWeb

- Guide to naming

2. Modify pom.xml

 Change pom.xml file to be the following :

3. Create web.xml

- Create webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file to be the following :

4. Create ooo-servlet.xml

- Create webapp/WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml file to be the following :

5. Create a JSP Page

- File > New > JSP file : webapp/WEB-INF/views/welcome.jsp
welcome.jsp file to be the following :

6. Create a Java Class

- File > New > Package > com.yunjee.spring
- File > New > Class >
- file to be the following :

7. Set a Server

- Window > show view > Server
- Create server > Select available project

8. Execute

- Run > Run (Ctrl + F11)

** Error

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

- Check below Properties if tomcat is set

  • Java Build Path > add Library.. 
  • Targeted Runtimes
  • Project Facets > Runtimes

- Or, add servlet-api in Java Build Path > Libraries

Thursday, July 21, 2016

기술면접 준비

참고 사이트 :


Monday, July 18, 2016

GE Korea 기술면접 후기


J wanted to classify product items using Category ID and Product ID assigned to each product. For example, “A” product has category ID and product ID like Category ID : 100 , Product ID : 5. 

There are lots of products unclassified in a warehouse. So classify items using sample input below.

Sample Input ( C denotes “Category ID” and P denotes “Product ID” ) :
[C: 110 , P: 10]
[C: 101 , P: 9  ]
[C: 101 , P: 8  ]
[C: 103 , P: 7  ]
[C: 105 , P: 6  ]
[C: 105 , P: 5  ]
[C: 101 , P: 4  ]
[C: 103 . P: 3  ]
[C: 103 . P: 2  ]
[C: 110 . P: 1  ]

Constraints :
* Classify items using given information only (Category ID and Product ID)
* Classify by ascending or descending order.

Output Format :
Category ID :  Product ID
50          :  4, 9, 10
55          :  3 ,10, 20
60          :  10 , 15, 22, 50
70          :  1, 100, 101
100         :  1, 4, 9, 20


면접은 약 40분의 코딩 테스트로, 2:1로 화상면접으로 진행함.
질문내용에 대해 파악했는지, 물어본 후에 코딩 테스트를 진행하였고,
중간에 모르는 부분들에 대해 물어보라고 하였음.
시간이 부족하였기 때문에 알고리즘을 어떻게 짤 것인지에 대한 질문을 추가로 함.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

전화 및 화상영어 후기 - 메가스터디 vs 콩영어

간단히, 내 소개를 하자면 intermediate low level의 영어 실력을 가지고 있고,
기존에 필리핀에서 어학연수 경험이 있어 필리핀 문화에는 어느정도 익숙한
퓨어 한국 여자 사람이다.

캐나다 토론토에서 9개월 정도 체류하면서 카페에서 일했고,
한국 들어온지 2년 넘어서 영어는 전혀 쓰지 않다가 전화영어랑 화상영어를 통해 공부하고 있다.

메가스터디에서 3개월 동안 화상영어(영자신문)를 그리고,
콩영어에서는 2개월의 전화영어(회화) 및 화상영어(문법)를 경험에 근거하여 리뷰를 해보고자 한다.

1. 강사진
강사들 교육면에 대해서는 메가스터디가 조금 더 잘 되어있는 것 같다. 그렇지만, 어딜 가든 강사들의 티칭 스킬은 비슷한 수준까지 올라온 것 같다. 다만, 나와 맞는 강사를 찾느냐가 관건이다. 대부분 일로일로에 있는 강사를 채용하고 있고, 메가스터디와 콩 영어 모두 원하는 강사로 변경이 가능하다.

2. 가격
메가스터디에서 30분 화상영어로 한달에 약 16만원정도 꼴로 수업을 받았었고,
콩영어에서는 위메프에서 할인 쿠폰을 사서 전화영어 20분과 화상영어 30분으로 한달에 약 9만원 정도에 수업을 받았다.

3. 시스템 및 서비스
메가스터디와 콩영어에서는 동일한 화상 영어 솔루션 프로그램을 사용하고 있고, 필리핀의 기상이 많이 안좋은 상황 아니면 깨끗한 화면과 끈김 없는 수업을 진행할 수 있다. 전화도 물론 깨끗한 음질이 제공되고, 화상영어는 자신이 솔루션 프로그램 내의 녹화 버튼을 눌러 녹화해야하지만, 전화로 했을 경우에는 자동으로 시스템에 올라간다.

메가스터디의 경우 1:1 전담으로 Q&A를 처리, 콩영어는 1:2 전담으로 Q&A를 처리하고,두 업체 모두 처리 속도는 빠른 편이다.

시스템 적으로 수업 시간 변경에 대한 편의는 메가스터디가 좀 더 좋다. 1시간 전에 available한 강사 또는 내가 수업 받고 있는 강사의 시간에 맞게 변경 가능하다. 콩영어의 경우는 3시간 전에 1:1 게시판에 신청을 해야하고, 전담 매니저가 확인 후 변경을 해준다.

여기에서, 콩영어의 메리트를 하나 주목할 수 있는데, 메가스터디는 글자수가 제한이 있는 영작 첨삭 서비스인데 반해 콩영어는 길이 무제한 그리고 요청하면 MP3파일 까지 직접 강사님이 녹음해서 올려준다. 

>> 총평
좀 두서 없이 적은 거 같긴 한데, 전화영어와 화상영어는 본인의 의지 및 영어에 대한 목표가 있어야 하고, 그것을 잘 이끌어 줄 강사를 만나는 것이 제일 중요한 것 같다. 내 경우, 개인적으로는 큰 업체 (메가스터디) 도 좋았지만, 작은 업체 (콩영어)도 가격 대비 나쁘지 않아 계속 사용중이다.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


버릴 줄 알아야, 
그리고 포기할 줄 알아야
비로소 채울 수 있는 것이거늘..

머리로는 이해가 되지만,
용기가 나질 않네.

나는 무엇 때문에 그렇게 고민하는가.

인간은 불안한 존재라고 하지만,
무엇이 나를 이토록 흔들리고 불안하게 만드는가.

새벽의 끄적임...

Friday, July 15, 2016

1. Setting Environment

*** 07.15.2016 latest version
*** 08.02.2016 updated
*** based on window 10 64bit

1. Eclipse (eclipse-jee-neon-R-win32-x86_64)


2. Spring STS 3.8.0

- Install Spring Framework STS 3.8.0
  Help > Install New software >  Help > Eclipse Marketplace > search "STS" 

3. Maven

- if you already installed Spring STS 3.8.0, you do not need to install Maven


4. JDK (Java SE Development Kit 8u91)

- After installation, set environment variable

- JAVA_HOME : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
- PATH : %JAVA_HOME%\bin
- CLASSPATH : .;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

5. Tomcat (apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M9)

- After download Tomcat, unzip in Java folder
- set environment variable

- CATALINA_HOME : C:\Program Files\Java\Tomcat 9.0

- exec C:\Program Files\Java\Tomcat 8.5\bin\startup
- check http://localhost:8080/

6. Apache (httpd-2.4.23-win64-VC14)

- After unzip, relocate C drive : C:\Apache24

7. Connect with tomcat

- download connector using mod_jk

1) Copy file to C:\Apache24\modules
2) Check server.xml

    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->

    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

3) Create file at C:\Apache24\conf


4) Set some parameters to httpd.conf file

    LoadModule jk_module modules/

    JkWorkersFile conf/

    JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log

    JkLogLevel info

    JkMount /* worker1

* Refer to :

* vcruntime140.dll error
- download and copy to C:\Windows\System32

* make annotation (전체 주석)
- C:\Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf

* 시스템 효용성 및 분산 처리를 위해서 apache 와 tomcat을 연동
  ( WEB Server -> html, WAS Server -> jsp )
* 최신라이브러리 관리와 프로젝트 관리를 위해 Maven 사용

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Miss you.

I do miss you so much.


I cannot contact you anymore.
I cannot wait for you.
I cannot see you any longer.
I cannot do anything for you.


당신과 함께한 시간들.
혼자 당신 생각하며 지내온 나날들.
선명하게 남은 기억들이.
날 힘들게 해.

놓아버리고 싶은데.

튀어나오는 당신 때문에.

마음을 다잡다가도.
하루에도 수십번, 수백번 무너지는.
나 정말 어떻게 하지?..

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


결국엔 우린 헤어졌다.
그렇게 각자의 삶으로 돌아온지 거의 반년.

더 이상 연락하지도,
더 이상 연락할 수도 없는 상태.

때로는 배신감에,
때로는 미련에,
때로는 후련함에,
하루에도 쉼없이 오락가락한 마음이
언제쯤 진정이 될까?

우리의 그 때가.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

새벽의 끄적임.

I wish I can go on a travel with backpack only some day. I wanna be a real backpacker without bringing any suitcase and sleeping in a cozy hotel. Talking with people without any hesitation,
Seeing many stunning places, Eating delicious foods, Feeling free, Enjoying life. That's one of my bucket list.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hot Summer,

요즘 나는.
이별의 아픔을 온 몸으로 느끼고 있고.
취준생의 아픔도 함께 느끼며 자소서를 열심히 쓰고 있고.
만신창이 된 몸을 회복하고자 헬스를 시작했으며.
토익공부와 영어공부를 하며.
집순이처럼 집에 쳐 박혀 있고.
사람을 그리워하고 갈망하며.
외로움을 많이 타면서 지내고 있다.

전에 포스팅 해 놓은 글들을 보면서.
꾸준히 못한 것에 대한 아쉬움과 후회를 느끼고.
지금 시간 날 때에 틈틈이 글을 좀 써봐야겠다.
다듬어진 글이든, 다듬어지지 않은 글이든.
느낌 가는대로, 마음가는 대로.

Monday, February 8, 2016

[OPIC] 배경설문 - 자전거

1. 자전거 1
You indicated in the survey that you like riding a bicycle. Please describe your bicycle using as much detail as possible.
I'm glad to tell you about my bicycle. Actually, I bought a bicycle last month. It is so brand new. I'm really satisfied with the bicycle, you know? I paid more than I expected though. This bike is meant to be used for females. Because it is foldable and super light. So I can bring it anywhere. Plus, it's way convenient to be kept in my apartment. It doesn't need a big space at all, right?
There were 3 colors to choose from, which were black, green and pink. So I got the pink one that could make me feminine, you know. And it has a comfortable seat and wider handle bars. In addition, I installed flashlights in front and back of my bike and a smartphone holder on my bicycle. Just in case I get hurt at night when I ride the bicycle, but since I ride my bike my boyfriend most of the time, I wouldn’t worry about being hurt, because I know that my boyfriend got my back all the time! He is the sweetest man on earth! You would be shocked if you saw his face! He is pretty good-looking, you know?
What about you, Eva? Do you have a bicycle? What kind of bicycle do you have?
2. 자전거 2
Where do you usually ride a bicycle? What is your reason for riding a bicycle? Please tell me about it in detail.
Okay, Eva. I ride my bicycle in order to lose weight. As you know, I'm looking for a job these days. So I usually work on my resumes and prepare interviews while I sit at the desk most of the time. And I'm stressed out about that. For that reason, I need to go out and do some exercise, right? The best way to lose weight is riding a bicycle, I think. Plus, it helps me relieve my stress as well. I know myself that I get pretty laze sometimes, so there are some times that I don’t wanna ride my bike, but it is my boyfriend who always encourages me to go out and ride a bike with him. Well, things that my boyfriend does for me is just incredible, you know? He is so lovely.
I'm pretty busy during the week, so I usually ride my bike on weekends. 갑 river has the longest bicycle trail in Daejeon. So I love to go there. Especially, when it's sunny and nice, 갑 river is the best place to ride a bicycle.
If you visit to Daejeon, I will show you how cool it is.

4. 자전거 4
Tell me about your early memory of learning a bike? How did you learn it? Did someone teach you how to ride a bike? Please explain the first memory of learning a bike?
Okidoki, Eva. I'm a little bit ashamed to share about this. To be honest, I learned riding a bicycle when I was 22. So I still vividly remember the date when I learned how to ride a bicycle. I had a boyfriend who was 3 years older than me, back then. So I asked him to teach me how to ride a bicycle. So we rented bicycles from a subway station which was located near my apartment. After that, we moved to schoolyard and he kindly taught me how to ride it step by step. I wasn't good at riding the bicycle at first, so I kept falling off my bicycle. Therefore, I got bruises on my knees and I sprained my ankle as well. But I couldn't cry out loud cause I was old enough at that time. right? Haha. Whenever I think of learning a bike for the first time, it reminds me of my ex-boyfriend. He was just great.
Well, this is my first memory of learning a bike, Eva. Thank you for listening!

Friday, February 5, 2016

[OPIC] 배경 설문 - 공원

1. 공원가기1 (공원묘사)
You indicated in the survey that you like to go to the park.
Describe your favorite park in as much detail as possible. What makes it so special?

- That's a good question, Eva. Let me describe my favorite park that I go on a regular basis. The park I always go to is 둔산대(공원). It is quite far from my home, but it is quite close to 갑 river where I love to go too. In addition, there are attractive places near by the park such as an art museum, a concert hall and more. Inside the park, there are many people who jog and walk. The trail is very well-made. There is also a beautiful pond in the middle of the trail. Besides, I can enjoy the music echoing from the park whenever I go there.

2. 공원가기2 (공원에서 하는 일)
What is a typical day at the park like from beginning to end?

- Okidoki, Eva, I am pretty busy during the week because I spend a lot of time looking for a job these days. So I usually go to a park on weekends. The reason why I go to a park is to go for a walk. Whenever I have problems, so my mind is so complicated, I can refresh my mind while I go for a walk. In the middle of walking, I do stretch my body to be flexible. After that, I drop by a coffee shop that is near the park. The name doesn't ring a bell right now. I'm pretty sure coffee is so tasty.

3. 공원가기3 (예상하지 못했던 일)
Were and when did it occur? What were you doing at the time?

- Okay, Eva. It happened actually last year that something interesting happened to me. I was walking alone at 둔산대공원, because I just wanted to feel the rays of the sun. While I was walking in this park, someone followed me for around 30 mins. And then, he asked me out. Oh my gash, Eva!. My heart was so pounding and I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I just said "Yes" in a trembling voice. You know what? Actually, it turned out that he was a jerk. He asked my number, because he wanted me to go to his church, you know? I thought the reason he approached was to ask me out. So, I just told him that I go to another church, then he just left on me. Well, it was memorable, Eva. Because he was pretty good-looking, you know? My heart still pounds if I picture his face.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

[OPIC] 자기소개

Hi, Eva, how are you? Good to see you.
Well,, let me introduce myself. My name is Jeehye. You can just call me Julie.
I graduated from -------University. I did a double major in Business Administrator and Information and Communication Engineering. I am currently looking for a job.
This is one of the reasons why I am taking this test.

I live in Daejeon. It is located in the middle of South Korea. Daejeon is a very peaceful and calm city. Some people say Daejeon is boring. But I love Daejeon. The thing is, I like people in Daejeon. Although they speak so slow, as for me it is pretty comfortable. you know? (hush, this is a secret! People who are born in Daejeon speak so slow including me. haha)

I live with my parents for now. There are 4 people in my family : my dad, mom,  a younger brother and me. My dad works for KT company, which is the largest and the best telecommunication company in Korea. He is extremely hard working. So he doesn't spend time with me. However, I understand about his passion. My mom is a housewife and she is really good at cooking. Her specialty is Kimchi JJigae. If you have it once, you will go crazy. Because it's so yummy. My younger brother is in University. He is very hectic for studies. He gets scholarship every semester. Isn't he so cool?

Eva, I am not a talkative actually, But as long as I communicate with people, I feel great. So I talk with people through social Media such as Facebook, Instagram and post something that I can share with them. I do that when I am free.
Moreover, I like to watch a movie and listen to music as well. I will tell you more details later if you are interested in.

Let me go to the next one.!